Wednesday, September 21, 2005

diary of a church hopper pt. 6 addendum

For the record, it's been three business days and I still have not received a welcome card or letter or e-mail from Sunnybrook.

Of course, the entire idea of heckling or critiquing churches, while it may have some value, is perhaps harming me more than anything. No congregation is going to make me completely happy anywhere, anytime. And the goal is not to make me happy.

Is it important to agree with your denomination's theology anymore? Is it truly best to just go anywhere and dig in?

Mom says, "Why don't you go to some Sunday School classes? Then it's easier to get to know some people."

My family is in the late stages of church hopping -- a search that has been a matter of years. And there really wasn't so much "hopping" involved -- just a lack of conviction in choice, because they didn't want to have to make a choice. They knew where they wanted to be, but couldn't. And now, anyhow, most of their friends have hopped over to their church. So this new church has a significant subsection of people from our old church who don't know anyone in the new church and wouldn't be there anyhow if it weren't for...

all the pastors we've had over the past 13 years.

How can Christians be so hurtful to each other? My sister couldn't even get married in the church she grew up in.

Perhaps our major faults as Christians are expecting too much of Christians. Not enough grace to go round. The body of Christ run dry...

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