Monday, September 11, 2006

where were you on 9/11?

I was finishing my first college calculus exam and/or brushing my teeth in the 3N Fern bathroom with a friend, depending on the attack. It was the second week of my freshman year and I was still scared of some of my neighbors. Some of them invited me over to watch the news with them, and we started to bond. I remember how upset my roommate was -- her brother-in-law was in the reserves and she was afraid he might be deployed.
I remember Tryg's face when he announced what had happened in chapel, and how crowded the chapel was that morning (a Tuesday, too) because our wing was squished into one pew.

P.S. Today I visited the dump. And recycling center. For a while Mountain Dew would take their green plastic bottles and recycle them to make Mountain Dew long underwear.


Anonymous said...

I had just gotten to Concepts of Physical Fitness--we were supposed to take a test that day. Kyle Achterhoff came in the class and told us what had happened (no one had seen the news yet), we prayed, and left to head back to the dorm to glue ourselves to the TV. Our entire wing crammed into one room in Fern and watched the news for hours, leaving only for chapel and meals. I think events like this never leave your mind. My dad remembers what room and seat he was in in 2nd grade when they announced over the loud speaker that Kennedy had been assissinated.

P.S. Are you getting resettled again? :)

Anonymous said...

Ooops...I mean assassinated... Where's the spell check? :)
