Thursday, October 20, 2005

A) This post from B.G. I found interesting.

B) It wasn't exactly that I've been drawn in to the hype of the new Narnia movies; in fact, I am quite skeptical about them. But it did occur to me that I haven't read "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" (note the decided lack of Oxford comma) in over a decade, and probably have never read the entire series.

So last weekend I picked up the first book. I had never read it before. It was one of those books you consume a couple dozen pages of before you realize you've even turned one. In those situations, I'm usually in a quandary: on the one hand, you want the fulfillment of having finished the book, and on the other hand, you don't ever want it to end.

But of course it did end and I don't have the next in the series. But that's good -- it will force me to go back to Dostoevsky. You are all my witnesses, whoever you are: I will finish it this time.

And, it's probably good for me not to add to this book collection. It seems like an awful lot of books, and I don't remember what happened in many of them. Some are textbooks filled with things I learned but do not know. It occurs to me sometimes that I should make it a goal to reread every book in the bookcase, to know everything within it.

A note more on "The Magician's Nephew": it was chock full of biblical allusions, causing this reader to rack her brains for parallels constantly. Most are imperfect, but perfect all the same.

D) Fun Web site, HEL grads:

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