Sunday, October 16, 2005

the ever-fixed mark

that bends with the remover to remove... Nevermind. (Does anyone get it? ... Nevermind.)

Yes, my friends, I have finally gotten around to fixing the html in the blog links along the side here. It's funny how just one missing bit of punctuation makes all the difference. Let that be a lesson to all of us -- punctuation is important.

Tomorrow evening there should be a partial update on the weekend -- waiting to upload a picture. But, for now, a few bits:

  • French people decorate the land alongside their freeways with modern art.
  • My little sister turned 21. Family birthday week is officially over.
  • I saw a beaver; and two dogs riding in a car with their heads out the window, ears flapping in the wind. It made me think of country bumpkins sticking their heads out of a limo sunroof in the big city.
  • Candy corn has an unfortunate highly-addictive quality.
  • Toby finally 'fessed up at the end of West Wing. I knew it wasn't C.J.
  • There was a woman at Target who was nagging very loudly. I think she was at least a half dozen rows down but I heard everything she said. It was hard to tell if she was on a first date or something, because at one point she said "Remind me never to go anywhere with you again" and something else to the effect of this possibly never having happened before. Later on, I walked past the woman who owned the voice and saw she was with a teenaged daughter, not a man. My first thought: that girl is going to run away from home. And no one will blame her. Why was she dealt this cruel hand in life?
  • Went Catholic again today -- long story why. Made a point of sitting next to the "cupboard" where they lock something up. I'm not sure if it's so much the chalice for the wine they lock up, but I think it's the extra wafers -- the extra body of Christ, because they can't just throw away the extras. And, everyone doesn't get the wafer and the cup. Why is this? It looks like everyone gets the wafer but most people don't take the cup.
  • The Sloppy Joes' NBK Club has lost a member! Only two more to go.
  • Consumed most of a drink without completely hating it. Then found out later my eyes appeared to be doing funny things. It was very disappointing to hear. I didn't feel affected at all, and didn't want to be. Didn't think I would be, on two-thirds of a glass of wine over two hours. Good thing it's a situation that virtually never comes up.

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