Wednesday, August 31, 2005

the end

Summer, my friends, is ending. It's Aug. 31!

The front page of this week's Two Rivers Times features, among nothing else, a picture of a tree with half green leaves and half yellow -- a sure sign that autumn is on the way.

I generally have a love/hate relationship with summer. In elementary, middle, and high schools, (and college) I was that annoying kid who was glad school was starting again, glad to have structure and busyness. Summer is hot, and you know, you can only take off so many clothes to make yourself cooler. To get warmer, there is an infinite number of vestments to be put on. There are mosquitoes in the summer, and bees, and there's humidity and tornadoes and hurricanes and swimsuits to be borne and tank tops and shorts and all these revealing, awkward pieces of non-clothing.

I'm a fan of green and God knows in March I'll be wishing for it again, but there's nothing quite like fall to make you feel cozy inside -- unless it's the first night of snow.

The thought of September just makes me almost giggly inside. September starts with the same letter as "sweater." And God also knows how much more I'd rather wear a sweater than a tank top. And "sweatshirt." And "shoes" -- won't my boss be glad? And "socks" -- which have nearly been in hibernation for four months.

Soon there will be coats, and corduroys, and cameras (for landscape photos) and...

mittens. It won't be long before you all find out how I feel about mittens. (If you thought I liked sweatshirts...)

Granted, this summer is high on the top ten list of summers past, and I'm moving into the scary unknown territory of life and loan repayment, but...

Hello, autumn. (Three weeks ahead of time.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too love fall. In fact, your comments on going back to school and being hot but not being able to take off more sounded like it came straight from my head. I say that all the time.
I love fall so much. Being cool and then warming up with a sweater. Wearing socks and boots. And putting on my tobagon (sp? or whatever you call it) and mittens...I can't wait. It's coming. I feel it in the mornings when I walk out my door. It's cool. Crisp. Fall is coming...Praise the Lord!