Tuesday, October 17, 2006

more hodge-podging

My roommate got married this weekend. It was one of the happiest weddings I believe I've ever been to. There were emotions on so many levels because her family has been through so much, and yet she is one of the most giving, beautiful friends you could ask for. When she walked down the aisle and the pianist broke into... I don't even remember what it was, but it was a truly joyous piece, you couldn't help but be so excited and so happy for her moment. Hanging out with other roommates for almost two days was an added joy. You've got to love being known.

Craziness -- there were two murders in, of all places, Hawarden this weekend. Very glad not to be there for that. And it sounds like the suspects lived in my apartment complex... ha ha. My co-workers (current) didn't think it was that funny.

Two city employees here have resigned in the last week. One I knew faintly and appreciated much. The second I just met today and am very sad to see I will not get to know better. Somehow we got around to talking about what I had been reading lately, which, sadly, was pretty much nothing, for which I felt ashamed. Lots of excuses -- but good ones. I have not been wasting my time. It just does not happen to be invested in reading. The end of this was a good thought on that subject.

I could complain some more about the time we're wasting at work in "training" -- today on a new phone system that is unnecessarily complex. The lady sitting next to me is 85 years old and quite a trooper but you could see in her eyes she realized this was a waste of time, especially hers. We will lose 4.5 hours this week to training. And this is not a good week for that.

The cover to my cocoa tin has mysteriously vanished. Driving me a little nutty.

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