Friday, November 24, 2006

today, I saw a mouse

It's curious, isn't it, how something so tiny can do so much damage?

This afternoon the sports guy found a mouse "no bigger than your thumb" in the break room. Great, just what we needed -- we just finally got a new roof after months of serious and dangerous leaks. We're just beginning to get over widespread computer troubles. Now we are infested.

That office isn't big enough for the two of us, I joked -- only one of us was going to be there on Monday as far as I was concerned.

At the very least, the possibility of creaturely surprise caused me to do some serious desk cleaning before I left tonight.

At about 7 p.m., I stepped away from my cubicle to find some dinner. Apparently our tailed friend was through with dinner, because he was seated along the wall outside the editor's office. I indicated such to the editor and announced I was going -- immediately -- to dinner. As I picked up the pace I heard "Gotcha, you rascal!" and felt a bit of relief. Yet, where there is one mouse there are likely ... well, more than one.

That remains to be seen in our case. For the time being, somehow that one mouse that was caught managed to become un-caught before he could be escorted out, and he ran behind an unmmovable desk in the editor's office and has not come out since.

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