Monday, August 28, 2006

You know those study Bibles where half the pages are notations and a gutter of letters and numbers separates the columns?

Of late I have been ignoring the notes for the most part. Half the time there isn't a note about what you're curious about -- because it's an interpretation you're looking for -- or the note will upset you because you can see the opinions behind their writer. Or you didn't understand the verse and you don't understand the note, either. Or, how do you read the passage with the notes? Sometimes I'll read the passage and then the notes, but by the time you get to the end of the notes you can't remember what the passage was about.


Yesterday, trudging through Luke (another story), one note made me write "wow!" next to it.

I forget the exact context. Jesus and some guys were off praying on a mountain when Moses and Elijah appeared and they were talking about the "departure" he was about to make. The note noted that it was Joshua who finished Moses' work when Moses left supernaturally after helping deliver his people, and it was Elisha who finished Elijah's work when Elijah left supernaturally afer helping deliver his people (from their wicked ways), and Jesus left supernaturally after helping God deliver his people from their sins. Joshua, Elisha, and Jesus are all forms of each other in Hebrew. I like patterns. Sometimes we get carried away with them (i.e. End Times), but at other times they give us comfort that God really is in control with complex plans.

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