Sunday, November 20, 2005

diary of a church hopper, pt. 14

Yep, you guessed it -- didn't go to St. George's. And not Bedside Baptist -- the same old one. Went contemporary this week, more so because I needed the sleep for my mental and physical well-being and it wouldn't therefore work to go traditional.

Again, no one said hello. One man who greeted me at greeting time didn't even look at me while he shook my hand. Talk about cold.

There are, as usual, many complaints I could share with you. And again, it's time to just keep my mouth shut and settle somewhere. just doesn't feel right still. One real concern is that this church is having money problems. That strikes me as a warning sign that there may be larger problems underlying.

It still just doesn't feel right. No, nothing will be perfect. Maybe more things will be wrong than right...but I still haven't had that irrational peace of knowing something is right. Like NW was right. Like certain friends were right. And that lack of peace is leading me to believe it's time to start branching out to congregations I've not yet visited.

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