Tuesday, November 01, 2005

bereft of verbs

What's wrong with me?

You'd think a writing major should have it pretty easy when it comes to the verbal sections of the GRE. And you'd be right for thinking that. I just happen to be the black sheep of the group with no vocabularic ability whatsoever. Look at that -- vocabularic. I can't even spring for a real word.

This blog is now accepting tips for vocabulary building. Tips for injecting vocabulary steroids will be even more welcome.

I took some practice sections today out of a book. On the verbal sections, it was about as likely I'd get a question wrong as it was I'd get it right. At least on the math sections I was getting two for one. Apparently my brain has not yet evolved from pure mush into malleable graduate material.

Solution: bake more cookies. Stick with what you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know any of those words either.

But good job trying the GRE after college.