Wednesday, December 13, 2006

the thing about colds

The thing about colds is they always come in pairs -- or more. The news clerk got a cold a few days before me. The photographer got one the same day as me. The editor got one the day after me. The sports guy and reporter are steering clear of all of us.

The thing about colds is you're constantly worried about spreading germs -- to the point where you retrace all your steps with a can of Lysol. Or others use your things only while lining their hands with Kleenex and then using large dollops of hand sanitizer.

The thing about colds when you work in my field of ... work is that when you get sick, they say, "Well, that's too bad. When will page 4 be done?" Because likely there isn't anyone else to do your job, or if there is they're sick too.

The thing about colds is they're constantly mutating. Once you've found the remedy for one symptom, another just comes about.

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