Sunday, December 03, 2006


My furnace does not seem to be working -- I've asked it to go as warm as 72 and it's giving me 57. It's just as well, as half the time I don't even try to turn it on. If I'm home, I'm wearing a blanket anyhow.

It is now officially cold. The temperature is not supposed to rise above 25 for the entirety of the coming week. People are not only zipping up their coats and remembering their mittens, but digging out hats and scarves, too. And wearing them regardless of how stupid they feel they may look. I've taken to leaving my hat on in the office if I know I'm leaving again within a half hour.

It is now officially the Christmas season, as well. This is because a) of the concert Thursday, b) the beginning of December, c) the beginning of advent, d) the temperature plunge and e) the beginning of Christmas party schedule. For work, I have a Christmas party every weekend this month except for the weekend of Christmas, when I will be working. It makes me think of the dual government system: First there is the corporate Christmas party, which will be the fanciest affair and is farthest away. Next comes the local party just for our office. Last is one co-worker's private shindig.

Last year I didn't deck out the apartment much. If no one's seeing it but me, who really cares? I did rescue Douglas the Talking Fir from his box last week. His fate this December is still unknown. Perhaps I'll set him out somewhere with my wind-up Christmas doll that sings something from the Sound of Music -- they're quite a pair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Douglas the Fir made a trip to our bathroom, most likely let in by my roommate. I about peed my pants before making it to the toilet when the Fir started singing at me.