Tuesday, January 03, 2006

diary-ette of a church hopper

Today I was talking to my adviser -- well, make that reading an e-mail from my former adviser, boss and professor. I'd told him about church hopping trouble, and here's what he replied:

"Finding a church is always tricky, not the least because it takes such a long time what with only one day a week to really check something out. Hang in there."

Brilliant. I've got 52 days a year to make a choice I wish to affect 365. I guess that's why he's an adviser.

P.S. He signed the e-mail with his first name. That's crazy. I could never call him "Jeff." Sure, there's Carl and Joonna and Martin and sometimes Kim, but "Jeff" would be as strange as calling my dad "Steve." It's like anyone of any age who is not Sharon addressing the DMG as "Tim." (I can still remember asking Carl how to address Martin, in a why-are-you-leaving-us-with-this-stranger kind of voice.)
P.P.S. Shout out to UForeigner. I hear you. Just another reminder -- it's so strange to have to get an e-mail update on life from someone I saw every day for four years. I knew every time his kids were sick, for goodness' sake, and what their symptoms were.
P.P.P.S. Interblog plug: xanga.com/arielise for an update on my royal lineage and a solace for girls with blue eyes.


Anonymous said...

I echo your difficulty in calling certain professors by their first name. Esp. DMG... :) Shoot, I lived there for a whole summer and could never quite figure out what to call him. So usually I'd just look at him and ask the question...Example--Make eye contact..What would you like to drink with your dinner? :)

Anonymous said...

I got a shout-out! Woot!

Anonymous said...

I know this is uncolicited, yet...

Finding a church that teaches sound Bible doctrine is key. But even the one behind the pulpit is prone to mistakes.

Weather the storms that we humans cause. It makes us stronger by going through the trial. Once you pass the test, you can help others do the same.

The relationships with fellow pew-sitters is important, but not the most important one.

Church-hopping can last 40 years. Is God simply saying, "Take Another Lap" while you're looking for the "promised land" church?

A former (and probably future) hopper...