Saturday, January 07, 2006

cuisine du jour

When I'm upset about A, B, and C, my appetite is significantly affected. You probably know the feeling -- only a few select foods on the face of the planet are worth the trouble of swallowing.

Today, for example. I was definitely hungry -- I had oyster crackers for lunch. But for dinner, just three things seemed worth bothering about: 1)Ghirardelli Double Chocolate Brownies, which I duly went to the store and purchased; 2)cold manicotti from "Treats," a deli in downtown Northfield that went out of business seven years ago; and 3) cashew chicken from the Szechuan Inn.

Clearly, there was going to be a problem. Two HyVees and two Chinese restaurants later, I come home with a microwave pizza. Who in their right mind buys a microwave pizza, let alone eats it?

This brought me to thinking: Choosing a Chinese restaurant is a tricky business. I don't know about you, but most of them give me the impression that they are run by the mob and are in violation of many health codes. Sometimes that's not a problem. But I did not want salmonella to become problem D.

And granted, I am no authority on Chinese food. Relatively speaking, I'm a Chinese food virgin. I've tried about two dishes at one restaurant. But...has anyone ever been to a LeeAnn Chin's? How is it?

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