Wednesday, April 18, 2007


All is well when watching Andrew Foyle on TV...

Just kidding. Sort of.
At work we all have our lists of celebrity crushes. Mine is still a bit short, having only Julian Ovenden on it. Most lists are allowed three.


It appears we won't be moving to the lovely house. We are having trouble getting out of our lousy leases.

The weather is not lousy. Monday at work we took a group "walk" in the afternoon; granted, we walked to Caribou and spent half the 20 minutes there. Sunday afternoon, the whole family was out back on my parents' little mostly-done deck in the sunshine. However many thousand square feet, but we're all in the same 20... What else is new.

My sister and I have agreed to schedule our Chicago train trip for July. We might go see 'Wicked'!

Sunday during church, I got up and left after the opening songs. It was not due to the slow, foreign, high-pitched songs or poor sound, which apparently my family attributed my departure to.

Instead, it was because of the background noise. Background noise can often frustrate me more than warranted. A baby cries, someone turns a page, someone jingles some keys; and I've already forgotten we're singing. At school, any whispering or such makes me so tense I nearly explode. Such was the case last night at tour guide class. I'm recognizing as I get older that this aversion is a little unusual.

I know my little cousin has been diagnosed with a sensory disorder related to autism; I also know one of my siblings has the same noise thing I do, though possibly more severe.

So, in the coming weeks, I'm hoping to learn a little more about sensory integration dysfunction, particularly how the occupational therapy used to treat it may or may not be able to help me. Though it's nowhere near severe, I'd say it's enough to make me avoid certain social situations, and that's just not necessary.

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