Thursday, March 15, 2007


It had gotten so warm that I turned my heat off. Now it is not so warm anymore. I had to turn the heat back on this morning for the one hour I'll be here.

I'm reading "The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy. Only a few pages in, but she writes beautifully -- offhand, I remember her in passing referring to people with "sad hips" at a funeral.


The office is now one person emptier. It will be an adjustment. Hiring a new person is a big job, almost like interviewing for what child you are going to adopt to keep the other kids company. And if the kids don't like your choice ... well, things will be a little more difficult.

The Pontiac is still cursed.

1 comment:

Nick said...

So if you hire an Ethiopian, a Cambodian and a Vietnamese boy...

you'll be just like Angelina Jolie. :)