Thursday, July 13, 2006


There's half an hour to kill between my last interview and leaving for the softball game.

Well, what's new here? Everything and nothing.

Did you know there are no calories in pickles?

The pesky fly in my office disappears if I take out the flyswatter.

The paper two towns north of here plagiarized another one of my stories this week. How do you confront someone about something like that?

I wrote a witty headline this week: "Dentist may fill in downtown cavity." There's a hole in the downtown strip because of a fire and a dentist is going to build a new office there. The pharmacists really liked it.

One of my favorite shirts has gone unnoticed in my closet the entire summer.

All these books listed that I'm "reading"? Psh. When I get to it I'm chipping away at them. I picked up a sequel to "All Creatures Great and Small" last weekend and I can sit and read large chunks of it at a time. If you've never read any of James Herriot's stuff, seriously, it's addictive. I'm sorely disappointed that I can never go live in 1930s Yorkshire as a male veterinarian. They're stories that suck you in and make you laugh out loud and tear up and become good friends with the characters. His characters are amazing. Half of them are farmers with strong Yorkshire accents, and it takes a bit at first to try to figure out the terms. Translating English to English, you know.

Watched "Hotel Rwanda" yesterday. It seems disrespectful to call it a movie. It must have been difficult to review, because if you really wanted to look at it as a film then you might be criticizing it and people will probably think you're evil.

Have I written about my ant infestation? (Sigh.) A large part of my home life. Some days I avoid sitting in my living room at all costs, because occasionally I'll find one crawling on me. My bedroom has become a refuge -- none sighted there yet. (Unfortunately, no AC in there.) Their numbers have been very few in the last few days, but I'm not confident they're really gone. Little cardboard squares of poison are all over.

I have nice moles. On my right leg there's an isoceles triangle of them, all exactly the same size and shade of brown. It's very striking against my pasty skin. Sometimes I connect the dots with a pen for amusement.


Nick said...

Good headline! Both clever and creative.

I think you could write a good review of the movie, if you acknowledged your view of the content, and then continued to review the movie as a movie.

If you left this very important (and lengthly) distinction out, you would probably be seen as evil.

Anonymous said...

I love James Herriot as well. I actually just bought the first 5 seasons on DVD. There was a really good sale on them on the site where I get most of my entertainment. Yippee!! :)