Friday, February 24, 2006


Early estimates say I will owe the federal government around $300 in taxes. In juxtaposition, the state owes me about 20 bucks.

Some say it's taboo to speak about money, but this is disconcerting. I only worked part of the year, but my income was less than $12,000 before deductions. How does the federal government have the gall to say I owe it $300 when a reasonably established, middle-class family gets $2,000 back? This is very seriously screwed up. Granted, I don't have kids to pay for and all that jazz, but still -- I'm lucky to not be pinching every penny right now. How could someone making even less than this get by? I'm not positive yet I'll come up with the money to even pay the silly feds.

And another thing -- universal healthcare. I heard today that the United States is the only industrialized nation without it. Quite possibly that's a little inaccurate, but we get the picture. Further, it sounded like the U.S. was in the minority for even linking healthcare to employment.

Yes, it can be well argued, universal health care means the standards for everyone go down. Research may take a hit. Private companies have less incentive to work harder and faster. But at least everyone's cared for!

Sacrifice. We're rarely asked to do it lately as a country. "Not in my backyard." Suck it up. Sometimes you lose a little so more people can lose less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you don't claim yourself as a depedent on your tax form when you start your job, sometimes you end up owing the federal government money.

Actually you received that money in all your paychecks instead of having it set aside by your employer.

If you claim yourself as a deduction, you get smaller checks all year, but then you usually get money back at the end of the year.

...I think.