Tuesday, December 06, 2005

in case you were wondering...

• There is a stage of coldness after snot-freezing cold. It is hair-freezing cold. In such a stage, your (dry) eyebrows and eyelashes and any exposed hair are so covered with frost that they appear to be covered with snow. But don't worry -- it has to get even colder than this (this being 12-15 below) for that to happen.

• It occured to me yesterday that Dec. 5 was a significant day, but it took a minute to remember why. And in the end it was rather trivial. It was one month before my good friend's 23rd birthday. And as logic would have it, that means today is one month from my 23rd birthday (and the 12th day of Christmas, Epiphany), as she is 24 hours and 20 minutes older than me. (Try planning a birthday party as a kid when your three best friends' birthdays are all within ten days of yours, and you all want to invite the same people, and none of you can go before New Years', and half of your parties will probably be snowed out, anyway.) 23 is a strange number...prime, and I'm not so sure I'd like to own it. It seems an awkward age. It is not 18-22, and it is not 25-33. It's just...23. Like you got too big for 22 and they kicked you out, but you're too shrimpy for 25.

• What kinds of things freeze at 12 below zero? Power steering fluid.

• When it's 12 below zero, steam appears to be coming out of the storm sewer because it's warmer underground.

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